What do the funds support?
- Drilling nine new deep boreholes.
- Six overheard holding tanks (for 4 Health Centres and 2 schools).
- Piping and washing sinks for 4 Health Centres
- Training Needs Assessment (TNA) for WATSANS, Care Takers and Mechanics.
- Management Training for seven WATSANs and 2 School Health Coordinators.
- Management Training for nine Facility Management Committees (Care Takers).
- Maintenance Training for local Pump Mechanics.
- WASH Training for 3 Communities, 2 schools, and staff at 4 Health Centres.
- Ongoing local monitoring and evaluation
- Purchase of Mazda BT50 Pick-Up Truck for DONA Field Use. *
This year’s project will connect another four health centres to a safe water source, which directly benefits the communities where the health centres are located, as well as many surrounding communities. Typically, each centre serves between 5000-10,000 people per year, but this figure was collected before COVID-19. Although the government in Ghana helps to fund these health centres (including beds, equipment, and health materials), they believe that connecting the health centre to a reliable, safe water source is the community’s responsibility. The main source of income for 90% of the population in this area is small-scale farming (the major crops cultivated are cocoa, palm oil, plantain, and rice). Therefore, considering these communities have little in terms of supplementary funds, financing the construction and installation of a deep well, storage tank, and piping to the health centre is typically impossible for these communities. Without access to running water, these health centres cannot be certified as ‘CHP’ compounds (pronounced “chip”). As a result, these health centres cannot provide service to pregnant and/or women in labour, ultimately causing an increase in pregnancy-related health problems and miscarriages in the area. However, four more health centres will be certified as a CHP compound by December, 2020, and will help a lot more people in the area (especially women and children)!
We have partnered once again with Dawn of a New Age (DONA) in Southwest Ghana to build these nine deep boreholes, and facilitate the accompanying WASH training. Water Committees (WATSANs) and School Health Coordinators will be established within the communities to ensure future responsible management and maintenance of these water projects. These community leaders provide the level of ownership needed to ensure the sustainability of these water projects, and the self-sufficiency of these rural communities.
* DONA works closely with the benefitting communities during and after the project implementation. This requires frequent field visits by the DONA team and, often, the rural sites are extremely difficult to access (rough, dirt roads from flooding and droughts; overgrown vegetation; etc.). The DONA team are in need of a new truck to conduct their work safely. Therefore, we have included the cost of a Mazda BT50 pick-up truck in this donation goal. Purchasing the DONA team an improved truck to conduct their field work will not only guarantee their safety and efficiency this year, but will allow us to continue our project work in Southwest Ghana long-term.