Active Projects

Active Projects Overview

group of students dressed in pink
Western Uganda

WESTERN UGANDA: Access to Safe Water and Improved Sanitation and Hygiene Practices

Partner: Rukungiri Women Integrated Development Foundation-(RWIDF)

The projects aim to reduce morbidity and mortality resulting from waterborne diseases by...

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group standing around a water jug
Northern Uganda

NORTHERN UGANDA: Improving Lives Through Wash, Economic Empowerment and Environmental Protection

Partner: Divine Agency for Integrated Development-(DivineAID)

This initiative aims to enhance living standards and instill hope in Northern Uganda’s formerly...

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Dona group

GHANA: Maximization of health benefits through integration of water, sanitation, and hygiene education interventions in vulnerable communities

Partner: DONA (Dawn of a New Age)

WHY WE PARTNER WITH DONA DONA is a registered  non-governmental organization based in Kumasi,...

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Partnership & Funding Requests

We wish we could help everyone but, unfortunately, we are already fully committed to projects with our current on-the-ground partners in the countries in which we work, and are unable to fund additional projects in new areas this fiscal year. We encourage you to check out other organizations actively providing WASH projects in your region of interest. All support of our current active projects this fiscal year is greatly appreciated.


Every effort is made to designate your funds as requested; however, if the specified project has become fully funded or unforeseen circumstances delay its start, we may allocate your donation to another important project.

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