#ThrowbackThursday A memory from a few years back. This is Mary Ayoo - a 38-year-old mother to 7 children in Uganda. She used to collect water from an open stream with water too dirty for human consumption. She developed itchy skin rashes, and frequent urinary tract infections. Every month she would spend more than UGX: 10,000 ($3.65 CAD) on treating infections, and would take insufficient doses because of the expense.
Divine Agency for Integrated Development changed all that when they supervised the building of a new RWF project water source. Mary said, "I cannot believe that we are now having clean and good quality water for drinking and showering. I will now finally rest from the UTI and regain my health, since I will be in position to practice good hygiene with safe water. I really appreciate every individual that has made effort towards the construction of this water source. May the good Lord bless you abundantly."

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